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Go to ebay, do a search on that particular ticket. Also on the left side, click "completed listings" to see what they have sold for. Ebay is a good way to see what you can get in the auction world. The 1930 World Series featured the Philadelphia Athletics beating the St. Louis Cardinals four games to two. A 1930 Philadelphia Athletics World Series Full ticket played at Shibe Park is worth about $350. - $450. and a ticket stub about $175. - $275. A 1930 St. Louis Cardinals World Series Full ticketplayed at Sportsman's Park is worth about $350. - $450.. A ticket stub sells for about $200. - $250.

Condition is important. The slightest flaws could bring the price down significantly. Common flaws include; rips, creases, stains, and fading. Ticket stubs that are not ripped cleanly will also sell for less.

For more information on othe World Series Ticket from the 1930'ssee Related Links below.

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Q: What is the value of an unused pair of baseball tickets to the 1930's World Series?
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