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The key to answering your properly and accurately lies specifically in the year the photo was produced and what the image depicts. For example, a vintage photo of Ruth in his New York Yankees uniform would be worth considerably more than an image of him hunting or in street clothes. Photos depicting a seminal event or year in his storied career such his 714th homerun, "The Called Shot" or a picture dating to a milestone season, such as 1927, would also carry a premium in terms of desirability to collectors and value. Pre-1920 photos depicting Babe in a Red Sox uniform and/or pitching would also command a significant premium. Other significant factors in terms of value would be condition, quality, clarity and tone, size, and above all else... is it original to the era versus a more-modern reprint? Photos produced after Ruth's death have little interest to collectors and are readily available. Any original vintage photo depicting Ruth is worth at least $25, and those depicting in his prime - $150, and more. Fine portraits and images of key events can fetch several hundred dollars.

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βˆ™ 18y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

There are many Candid photos of Babe Ruth like you describe. His face found many camera lens'. Today there are mass produced 8 x 10 photos that can be easily bought for about $10. All photos will have a value but It all depends on what type of photo you have. The value of your photo will rely on if it is an original first generation photo made from the original negative, a snap shot taken, a news service photo, or a wire photo printed off a teletype machine. All are highly collectible, and can sell between $20. -$200. in general.

The photo could also be from a magazine premium or a team released photo sent to fans.

Contact me with more details or I can help you figure out what type of photo you have. For more information on vintage photos visit the link below Vintage Baseball Photos. You may find similar photos like yours

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Modern commercial reproduced photos can be bought for $10. Vintage photo's produced from original negatives form the 1910's-1940's could sell for $100's. Size, photo composition, historic relevance, or photographs on and off the field could effect the price.

A snap shot taken by a fan at the ballpark could sell between $35.-$150. Press photos or wire photo are a very popular collectible, and used or not used in a publication could sell between $50 - $200. or more. In a recent auction on eBay a silver photograph by Underwood & Underwood taken in 1925 sold for $300.

Premium photos that were given away or sold through advertising specials could also sell between $75. -$200. Quaker Oaks for example had a premium 8x10 send away photo featuring a facsimile Babe Ruth signature. This photo with the original mailing envelope recently sold for $103. on eBay. Other examples of premium photos could include: fan club photos, Esso Boy's club, or Baseball Magazine Company Premium Photos.

Baseball Magazine began issuing photos in or around 1910-1920 through 1950. Baseball Magazine Premium Photos are blank-backed sepia tone photos printed on semi-gloss heavy paper stock. You had to send away for the photos. For more information on these type of photos I will leave a link below. PSA/DNA Authentication service now has a sports photo authentication service. I will leave a link below for more info.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

A Lou Gehrig autographed photo would be in the $5,000. range. Babe Ruth signed a lot of Autographs during his career, and although still one of the most highly sought after signatures sells a little lower at $3,500.+ In general a dual signed Babe Ruth, and Lou Gehrig photograph could be worth between $6,000. - $10,000. Condition of the photo, and clarity of the signatures will be a major factor in pricing, as well as getting the signatures authenticated. The composition of the photo could also effect the price. Add value for inscriptions. See a great example of a unique Babe Ruth, and Lou Gehrig dual signed baseball. I will leave a link on this page.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

It Depends on what it looks like : If its a 100th anniversery ball ..its worth $ 10.00

If Its A Color FotoBall of the Bambino ...that is a different situation altogethor .

If you locate a Colorized Photoball , Fotoball ....please email me at ( )

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βˆ™ 11y ago

The price of a picture of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig will depend on a few things. The authenticity of the picture and the condition it is in will affect the price. Also where you sell the, whether in a pawn shop, internet, or at an auction will make the price vary as well.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

not a thing.

that's what it's worth.

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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