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its about $ 8,800 u.s. dollars

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Q: What is the value of a genuine 1970 Mexico World Cup soccer gold medal that was given to the winning Brazilian team members?
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Do they dance the samba in Mexico?

No. Samba is a Brazilian dance.

How did Brazilian immigrants get to America?

Ilegal Brazilian immigrants had come to the United States throughout the Mexican border when Mexico did not entail visa for Brazilian citizens.

Does a Brazilian that is married to an American need a visa to travel to Mexico?

Yes, unless the Brazilian has a passport of the United States.

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After winning the independence from Mexico most Texans voted for annexation. Texas won independence from Mexico in March 2, 1836 after the Texas revolution.

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Hispanic (Mexico, Philippines): unidentified; compare the Brazilian Portuguese nickname bachich

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The members of NAFTA are the US, MExico, and Canada.

Who are the members of the NAFTA?

The members of NAFTA are the US, Mexico, and Canada.

What was Winfield Scott strategy for winning the war with Mexico?

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What was general Scott's strategy for winning the war with Mexico?

Land his forces at Veracruz, sieze it and march to Mexico City.

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On 1821 after winning their war of independence against Spain.

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