there are three cards in the 88-89 set of jordan, #17 is worth $30, #120 is worth $20 and the sticker card #7 is $20, I have about 30 of each of them, they was once worth about /$20 more each....they will go back up... Derek
I actually have one of these cards too, and I bought it for I think $2 back about 1990 in a hobby store. I checked around and saw that the card isn't nearly as valuable as I thought. Some say there is actually a whole set of those 1984 Olympic cards of MJ, I only have one. From what I initially saw, one person was selling it for a buck (nonsense) and another was selling a set for $75. Hard to say at this moment.
less than 75 cents.
Michael Jordan got married September 1989 to Junanita
Less than 10 cents.
Michael Jordan got married September 1989 to Junanita
Between 1.25$ and 2 dollars a pack.
Less than 15 cents.
Less than 15 cents.
Less than 15 cents.
five cents
magic Johnson