The Banner is put up for remembrance of their hard work and dedication they put in to winning that game. It is also used to show what type of school Notre dames football team is handling. Plus It is to keep record of all the championships they win.
Many of the banners are valued in price close to $40 each. The exact amount that the banner is worth will depend upon the condition of the banner.
Individual coins with Notre Dame on one side and Sunkist Fiesta Bowl on the other would be fairly priced at $125.
about 100 bucks
If you give me $100, I will take it to the dump.
In Arkansas, you could get around$150
i will ask a friend
The value will depend on your audience and what shape it is in but I have seen them auctioned at Notre Dame College for about $1500.
I have one as well. As for the value, like anything else, it's worth what someone is willing to pay. I bought mine for $300 back in 2002.
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