Over a $500!
$172.56 Mint
That's a 1990 Score card....and it's worth 10 cents in MINT condition.
i was wondering the same thing but then found out it was only $0.50
Less than 75 cents.
This coommon card is worth less than 10 cents.
Less than 15 cents.
Less than 50 cents.
This common card is worth less than 10 cents.
It matters what year they are, I have a 1981 Joe Montana card and its worth about 230$ and its in mint condition. If its beyween 1990 and 2007 is probably worth $2.50 to $15. But if its autographed or is a memorbillia card between 2004 and 2007 depending on what brand of card it is, it would be worth prabably worth any where between $25 and $175.
Less than 75 cents.