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Q: What is the size of NBA regulation ball?
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What size is the official for 7th grade boys basketball?

Not sure if you mean the ball or rim height, but it is regulation full size on both, NBA ball, 10' rim height.

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What is the regulation size of NBA backboard?

A regulation backboard in the NBA has the dimensions 6 ft x 3.5 ft.

Basketball Back board regulation size?

A NBA regulation backboard is 72" wide x 42" high

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The regulation size for basketball nets are all the same at ten feet. The regulation for high school, college, and the NBA/WNBA use nets that are ten feet high.

What is the regulation size and weight of a rugby ball?

Size 5 for top level rugby.

What is the official nba size basketball?

The official NBA ball size is 29.5 inches in circumference.

What size of basketball does a NBA player use?

they use an nba sized ball

How big is a regulation size basketball?

For men, the official ball is 29.5 inches (74.9 cm) in circumference (size 7, or a "295 ball") and weighs 22 ounces (624 g). If women are playing, the official basketball size is 28.5 inches (72.4 cm) in circumference (size 6, or a "285 ball") with a weight of 20 ounces (567 g).

What is a 29.5 size basketball?

If your a TRUE basketball player, you should automatically be able to tell if it is a 29.5 (size 7) basketball, BUT, if not, you can ask the person in the store, or it should say size 7 somewhere on the ball.

What is the size of a regulation basketball?

A regulation sized basketball is 29.5 inches. A 10 and under size basketball is 28.5. 28.5 is also the regulation size for women's basketball.

How thick is a regulation size basketball backboard?

A Basketball Backboard is 72 inches long.