There is no estimate given for the average salary of all NBA executives. The average annual salary for an NBA General Manager is $1.4 million.
That depends on how popular and successful he and/or the Basketball team are. these things are usually settled through negotiation between the concerned party's.
A teachers salary can't be compared to NBA players salary.
Scoot Meents is no longer playing in the NBA as of 2014. When he was active in the NBA he earned a salary of 300,000 per season.
0$ is teh salary
The combined salary for all the NBA players this season (2008-09) is $2,147,804,038.
The average salary for a NBA player in 2000-2001 was 4 million U.S. dollars.
The salary for NBA players vary depending on who it is.
NBA salary cap rules are determined by taking a percentage of the previous years revenues.
An NBA average salary for a assistant general manager is $8,500,000 per year.