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It is used to determine how 'fast' the ice is. The longer a rock stays in motion, the faster the ice. Or, better put, the longer a rock takes to travel between 2 points (the back line and the T-line in the rings), the faster the ice. It may seem counter-intuitive, but if the ice is slow, you have to throw the rock harder to reach the same distance, than if it is fast. If the ice is fast, you can let the rock go gently, and it will stay in motion for a longer time, reaching the same destination, but taking longer to do it.

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Q: What is the purpose of the stopwatch in curling?
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How fast is a stopwatch?

It depends on the stopwatch.

What is the sentence for stopwatch?

I'll need a stopwatch.

Does a stopwatch measure distance?

No. A stopwatch measures time.

Where does curling play?

Curling is played in at least 45 countries (you can find a list by researching the World Curling Federation on Wikipedia). However, it is most popular in Canada, the United States, and western Europe. In places where curling is popular, there are usually dedicated curling clubs that have ice only used for curling. Where it is less popular, curlers resort to sharing multi-purpose arena ice with hockey players and skaters. This presents a challenge, because curling ice must be prepared differently than hockey/skating ice.

What comes after seconds on a stopwatch?

After seconds on a stopwatch comes minutes, followed by hours if the stopwatch has that capability.

When was A Kind of a Stopwatch created?

A Kind of a Stopwatch was created on 1963-10-18.

What do you put in front of curling with Le du de lu in French?

Le curling (masculine noun): J'aime le curling (I like curling) Du curling: j'ai fait du curling (I played curling)

Is silver in a curling iron?

No. A curling iron does NOT have silver in it!!.. There are silver curling irons but there are no curling irons with silver in them!

Is stopwatch a noun?

Yes the word stopwatch is a singular noun. The plural form is stopwatches.

What olympic sport was played with a stone and broom?

Curling...Oh, how I hate Curling. :P

Why is the purpose of an eye lash curler?

The purpose of an eyelash curler is to shape the eyelash by curling it upwards towards the forehead for the top lash and downwards towards the chin for the lower eye lash.

What is the difference between a curling iron and a hair straightener?

The difference would have to be that besides there obvious purpose difference that mechanically, a curling iron has a rounded rod to spin for curls where a straightener has 2 heated flat pads that steam hair flat.