Like a cap with little brim. Made of wool.
The person who answered before said 'baseball cap' but baseball is not a British game. It is a Cricket Cap. Cricket is a game played in the UK.
Right Side
If you are talking about the golden stuff on the brim of the hat and even the ships ball cap , the only term I have ever heard to describe it is scrambled eggs.
A CAP is a brimless head covering with or without a visor. Examples: a Baseball cap has a visor to protect eyes from the sun; a ski cap is a knitted head covering without a visor.A HAT is a head covering, usually with a crown and a brim. Examples: a fedora has a crown with a crease and a brim; a top hat has a flat top crown and a brim.A visor only extends around the front of the hat while a brim completely encircles the hat.
If you want to shape the brim, rubberband it around a can or jar. Depending on the curve you are looking for depends on the size of can or jar. Also, soaking the brim or washing the cap may speed the process.
A balmoral is a Scottish cap with a flat top and plume but no brim, or a heavy walking shoe.
Depending on how it is used it can be a hat or a top of a bottle, or a part on a car called a distributor cap. A lid or cover, or to place a limit on an activity, prices, or expenses. A cap gun toy for children.
Blue Ball Cap, Red Ball Cap, and Tan Suit Jacket