They are food for swifts and other birds. Gnats are scavengers that help clean up rotting things by eating the rot.
GNATS was created in 1992.
no gnats don't even have vertebrate
The collective noun for gnats are:a cloud of gnatsa horde of gnatsa swarm of gnats
Gnats lay eggs.
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No, gnats do not cold air at all. Gnats do not survive the cold weather. They like hot and humid weather.
Savannah Sand Gnats was created in 1984.
No, gnats do not have red blood. They have clear or translucent blood.
Yes, gnats defecate when they land. However, this does not always happen. Gnats can also go to the bathroom while they are in mid-air.
Gnats do not typically drink blood; they primarily feed on plant sap or decaying organic matter. There are some species of biting gnats that may feed on blood, but this behavior is not common among all gnats.
No, gnats cannot jump. They are small flying insects that usually hover or fly short distances to move around.
Yes, gnats can come out of dirty air vents. Gnats can actually come from anywhere. They are very pesky creatures.