Basketball was created as a new and cool sport. Basketball caught on with just about everyone and ended up being a professionally played sport called the NBA. There really is no purpose other than to have fun.
To win. Also to score more points than the other team and to put the ball in the basket. A free throw is worth one point if you make it in the basket. In front of the three point line is two points if you make it in the basket. If it's behind the three point line and you make it in the basket you get three points.
Throw it into a BASKET (net) of course! its a game play object.
As with officials in any game their purpose it to make sure the rules of the game are understood and followed by the players.
To honor those who have made an everlasting contribution to the game of basketball whether by playing, managing, broadcasting, or owning.
Yes, basketball is a winter game.
first organized basketball game
The best mmorpg basketball game is freestyle street basketball.
A basketball reference serves the purpose of comparing basketball statistics. It is useful as a database that can be used for looking up a variety of statistics.
He invented it because he had to find a suitable game to play in PE because he lived in Massachusetts.
Its said that there were about 190 people at the 1st basketball game which was a high school basketball game.
there are two refferies in a Basketball game
A Basketball game has four quarters.
A Basketball's function is rooted in the game of basketball. It's function is to allow one to play basketball.