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its good to breath in by your nose, and then quickly breath out by the mouth

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Q: What is the proper way to breathe in soccer?
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What is a proper noun for soccer?

The word soccer is a common noun. The proper noun would be the word used for a specific name such as the British publication 'World Soccer' magazine or the United States Soccer Federation.

Can you breathe underwater in Utah?

Without proper equipment no human can breathe underwater anywhere.

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The members of the soccer team surprisingly supported moving their game to the weekend.

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They bend because it is the proper technique for soccer.

What are the difficulties in singing?

The difficulties are different for each person. It depends on their ability but usually the difficulties are related to posture, failure to breathe the proper way for singing and not doing proper vocal exercises which leads to straining.

How do you breathe on a desert?

You breathe in the desert the same way you breathe when you are not in the desert. There is no special procedure to follow.

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To play soccer

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they breathe in the same way as daytime animals

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Where proper shose

How fast do wasps breathe?

They don't breathe in the same way as we do as they don't have lungs.

How many more animals breathe with gills?

Fish breathe with gills. By the way, whales do not. They breathe air, because they are mammals.

How does an iguana breathe?

The same way you do.