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it depends on if your left handed or right handed and how fast or slow the pitcher is throwing

if you are right handed while facing the pitcher you stand on the left side of the batters box. right side if you are left handed.

if it is a fast pitcher stand toward the back of the box to give yourself more time to read the pitch and swing at the ball. slower pitcher towards the front of the box

if you are bunting stand in the front so if the ball goes straight down it wont hit the plate

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15y ago
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9y ago

In today's Baseball game, a hitter takes a position in one of the two designated chalk outlined boxes on each side of home plate. By rule, the hitter's feet cannot be positioned outside the hitter's box.

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15y ago

The batter stands in the batter's box. These are located on either side of home plate. The batter can stand in either one of them, depending on whether he is left handed or right.

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15y ago

as long as his feet are in the batter's box, he can lean over as far as he can without falling over (at his own risk)

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9y ago

Usually parallel to the plate or some version of close to parallel to the home plate.

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14y ago

Batting Crease

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On the right side of the plate.

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