The National Football League is located in NYC. Their address is:
National Football League
345 Park Avenue
New York, NY 10017
Their phone number is: 1-212-450-2000
The phone number to the Wendy's Headquarters in Columbus, Oh is 614-764-3100
972 538 4200 that's for the office in Texas which is the main office for the US I believe
The main phone number for Marks & Spencers UK office is 0845 609 0200. Marks & Spencers is a retailer that offers many different styles for all ages.
There are a few offices for the Illinois Attorney General in Chicago but the main office is located at 100 West Randolph Street, Chicago, IL. The phone number for this office is (312) 814-3000.
The phone number of the NFL main office 212-450-2000. The corporate office is located at 280 Park avenue, Culver City, CA 90232.
The phone number to Minneapolis Realtors is 952-933-9020. This number connects to the main office of the Minneapolis Realtors, although it is only answered during business hours.
Lexington Herald Leader's main office is currently located on 100 Midland Avenue, Lexington, Kentucky 40508-1999. Their phone number is 1-800-999-8881.
America's dietetic association headquarters are locate in Chicago Illinois and it's phone number is 800/877-1600. ADA have office in Washington D.C too and it's phone number is 800/877-0877.
The phone number of the Main Library is: 804-646-7223.
The phone number of the Main Library is: 480-644-2207.
The phone number of the Main Library is: 909-370-5189.
The phone number of the Main Library is: 831-768-3400.