The phone number of the Chelsea Public Library is: 205-678-8455.
The phone number of the Chelsea District Library is: 734-475-8732.
The phone number of the Chelsea Area Historical Society is: 734-475-9330.
The address of the Chelsea Depot Association is: Po Box 93, Chelsea, MI 48118-0093
The phone number of the Chelsea Art Museum is: 212-255-0719.
Phone number
The phone number of the Marshall Public - Bookmobile is: -3.
The address of the Chelsea Public is: 296 Rte. 110, Chelsea, 05038 0067
The phone number of the Brownell Public Library is: -3.
The phone number of the Portsmouth Public Library is: 603-431-2000.
The phone number of the Selbyville Public Library is: 610-394-9615.