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Q: What is the patronage spurs reform?
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Who was the president assassinated because he addressed patronage reform?


What was Hayes's position on civil reform?

to hire the best candidates for a job, despite their patronage

What has the author Manfred Wichmann written?

Manfred Wichmann has written: 'Parteipolitische Patronage' -- subject(s): Civil service reform, Officials and employees, Political Patronage, Selection and appointment

The Civil Service Reform Act of 1883 was designed to reduce patronage and was also known as?

Pendleton act

What was Hayes position on civil-service reform what did he do to promote it?

Hired only native americans

What the purpose of the Pendleton Act?

The Pendleton Act provided for civil service reform by transferring a number of federal jobs from a patronage basis to a merit basis.

What was the purpose of pendleton act?

The Pendleton Act provided for civil service reform by transferring a number of federal jobs from a patronage basis to a merit basis.

Describe the political corruption of the grant administration and the mostly unsuccessful efforts to reform politics of the gilded age?

The description of the political corruption of the Grant administration and the mostly unsuccessful efforts to reform politics is patronage and stalwart. Credit mobilizer scandal and half breeds are also unsuccessful reform politics.

How do you spell patronage?


What was the difference between the stalwart and half breed factions of the republican party?

In the election of 1880, the Stalwarts supported Grant, liked the Patronage system and supported radical reconstruction. On the other hand, the Half-Breeds hated Grant, wanted to reform the Patronage System and wanted to end radical reconstruction.

How the civil service system was reformed after the assassination of President Garfield?

The Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act was passed soon after the death of Garfield. This act established the civil service system as a reform for the old political patronage system that had been used to fill government positions.

What could be a positive outcome of the assassination of James Garfield?

Civil Service reform; in 1883, the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act was passed, as a tribute to Garfield, who had been a proponent of eliminating the patronage system and hiring people based on merit.