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It makes it easier to call a home run or a foul ball. The call is made by standing on the baseline and looking into the outfield, but the ball is small and mistakes can be made. By putting the screen up the ball that doesn't hit the screen is usually so far fair that its easy to make the call. Since home runs generally 'hook' around the pole, the screen extends from the foul pole into fair ground because if it hooks foul, it also tends to be fairly obvious. If the ball HITS the foul pole its fair and that also tends to be obvious too, usually the deflection is immediately noticed. Mistakes still get made though. I have seen a play where a player hit a short home run over the left field wall which bounced back out, and was fielded by the left fielder. The ball was definitely gone on the replay, but the umpire somehow had a poor view of the play. The way the ball bounced looked more like a shot off the outfield wall than a home run.

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14y ago

The grates are there to aid the umpires in determining whether a high fly ball entering the stands is fair or foul. The grates extend toward the fair side of the pole. A ball passing close to the pole that hits the grate is obviously fair. If the grates were not there, it would be more difficult to determine whether the ball is foul or fair because of the ball's close proximity to a relatively "skinny" pole. It is assumed that the umpire would be able to tell that a ball is fair if it passes cleanly to the fair side of the pole and doesn't hit a grate that is probably a foot wide.

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Technicals, charge, reach, bartending, double dribble, up and down, holding, tripping, pushing, punching, elbowing, team foul, offensive foul, over the back, hand checking, illegal screen, illegal blocking, fighting foul, flagrant foul, loose ball foul, away from the play foul, double foul and blocking. whew. that's a lot 2 type in at once.

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Different kinds of foul in basketball?

holding pushing tripping charging illegal screen blocking hitting technical flagrant

How do you say foul in french?

foul as in; foul smell: nauseabond, infect, sale foul as in; foul play: jeu deloyal (malveillance)

What is the homophone of foul?

The homophone of "foul" is "fowl."

How is offensive?

because it is just very rude. like if u say something that everyone else thinks is rude, then it just is for no reason except for that. It is just a foul word but not really for any reason.

What is the antonym for foul?

Usually fair is given as the antonym for foul, as in foul play, foul weather, etc. There are many others, however, as there are several definitions of foul to begin with.

What is the meaning of player control foul in basketball?

>A player control foul is what uninformed people call a charge. In reality, a charge is similar >to a blocking foul. Actually, a player control foul is any foul that is committed by a player who is control of the ball. This is in contrast to three other types of fouls: A team control foul is a foul that is committed by a player whose team has the ball but who is not the team member in control of the ball. A loose ball foul is committed when neither team is in control of the ball. There is no term for the usual foul committed when the other team has control of the ball. A charge is the "rulebook" term for a pushing foul. It can be committed as a player control foul, a team control foul, a loose ball foul, or a "defensive" foul. The official should signal a player control foul (of any type, charging, tripping, or otherwise) with one hand behind the head and the other arm extended outward. A defensive charging foul is signaled by the official using a pushing motion. The reason for the distinction between player control, team control, loose ball, and defensive fouls is that when a team is over the foul limit, free throws are awarded for some types of fouls but not others. (I believe you shoot for any foul except player control, but this may differ by organization - HS, NCAA, NBA, etc.)

What is an alternative Homophone for foul?

Foul (as in foul ball) and fowl (as in a bird)

What a homonym for fowl?

Foul, meaning: 1. Disgusting, vile 2. "Foul!" at a football match (bad play or something not allowed.)