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i9n more than one word win the cup or league

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15y ago

The opposite of relegate is promote.

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Q: What is the opposite of relegate?
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What is a sentence with the word relegate?

After years of hard work, she was relegated to a less desirable position within the company.

How do you use the word relegate in a sentence?

"Drill instructors will often relegate problem recruits to kitchen duties as punishment." "Some biologists still relegate monotremes to an inferior position among mammals." "Principals may relegate some duties to a vice-principal or disciplinarian."

What is the opposite of elevated?

The opposite of elevate (raise) would be to lower, or in some cases submerge.The opposite of elevate (promote) would be to demote or relegate (although this is more often used like delegate, to mean assign to a lower level).

What is the difference in definition between relegate and delegate?

Relegate means to REFER someone to another for action or decision. Delegate means to ASSIGN someone to a particular duty.

Give you a sentence with the word relegate?

Her boss relegated her to do the menial, boringn tasks.

Does Paula Deen manage her own finances or relegate to financial staff?

financial staff

What are synonyms for banish?

turn away, expel, throw away, cast out, drive out, bar, relegate

What milk did Cleopatra bathe in?

She was supposed to have bathed in asses milk, but common sense would relegate that story to nothing but a myth.

What are the instructions for mixing Relegate Herbicide?

Fill the spray tank with half the required amount of water. Add the correct amount of Relegate Herbicide to the tank. Agitate the mixture to ensure even distribution. Fill the tank with the remaining water and continue to agitate while spraying. Remember to follow all label instructions and safety precautions when mixing and applying herbicides.

Can a person block emails you send them?

Depending on the email package they are using, they can relegate your stuff to a Junk Bin as soon as it comes in. Quite simple …

Has Aston vila be relegated before?

Aston villa has been relegate 4 times from top flight football and 5 times in general.

What is another word for demote?

Here's a selection, take your pick: downgrade, relegate, move down, devalue, reduce, reduce to the ranks, lower, humble.