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Q: What is the oldest you can be to play in the NBA?
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What NBA team plays in the league's oldest arena?

The Chicago Red Bulls play in the NBA's oldest arena.

Who was the oldest man to play in the NBA?

Robert Parish 1976-1997

Who is the oldest person to play in an NBA d league?

Antoine Walker

Which team name is the oldest in the NBA?

It is the Boston Celtics that has the oldest team name in the NBA.

What is the oldest NBA video game?

nba live

Who was the oldest person to make it to the nba?

At the age of 45 years and 363 days old, Nat Hickey became the oldest player to play in the NBA. Hickey was the coach of the Providence Steam Rollers, and inserted himself into the lineup during one game. He scored two points and did not play again.

Who is the oldes player still playing in the NBA?

Shaquille O'Neal is the oldest player currently playing in the NBA at 38 years, 331 Days.

Who was oldest NBA player?


Is shaquel o'neal the oldest NBA player of 2010?

I think it's Jason Kidd or Shaquille Oneal

Which team has the oldest playters in the NBA?

probably the Phoenix suns, but really its who ever signs shaq, cuz he is the oldest player in the NBA , hes 38

Who was the oldest rookie in the nba?

At the age of 31, Fabricio Oberto holds the record for oldest rookie in the NBA. Oberto played for the San Antonio Spurs.

Who is the oldest nba player of 2011?
