10 feet from the top of the rim to the playing floor directly below.
Not sure if you mean the ball or rim height, but it is regulation full size on both, NBA ball, 10' rim height.
8 ft is the official NBA height from floor to the rim.
8 ft is the official NBA height from the floor to the rim.
The official regulation is 10' from the top of the rim to the floor in High School, College, and the Pros. In elementary school it is sometimes set to a lower level for these younger players but there is no official rule on this and it is left up to the administrators at that school.
The official height of a basketball ring for professional games sanctioned by the Philippine Basketball Association (PBA) is 10 feet (3.05 meters) from the playing surface to the rim.
== == The official height of an NBA basketball hoop is 10 feet from the floor to the rim.
The official height of an NBA basketball hoop is 10 feet from the floor to the rim.
The official height of an NBA basketball ring, is 10 feet from the court to the rim. It's also 10 feet for official high school and college courts! =)
Height of a Basketball RimThe official amateur, professional, and international rim height is ten feet (120") above the playing floor to the top of the rim.Unofficially, it can be set at any height that is wanted, to achieve a desired utility for the participant(s).
about one or two inches wide
the offical height is 10 feet but outside school and stuff raise them to 11 and 12 feet so no one will dunk and bend the rim
the height off the rim on a regulatin basketball hopp is 10 feet