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Q: What is the obrevision of FA?
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When was Fa Fa created?

Fa Fa was created in 1998.

What are Happy Birthday notes for banduria?

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When did Torquay last win the FA Cup?

Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.Torquay have never won the FA Cup.

Can you show me the so fa syllables of pipit?

The so fa syllables are fa, do, re, sol, mi, fa.

Who is fa -fa-fa?

Fa hien, a Chinese traveller, visted India during the reign of chandragupta II. Fa hien has written an account of his travels.

What song goes run run run run run away. Its fa fa fa fa fa better?

'Psycho Killer' by Talking Heads.

What is the bandurria chords of twinkle twinkle little star?

do do sol sol la la sol fa fa mi mi re re do sol sol fa fa mi mi re sol sol fa fa mi mi re do do sol sol la la sol fa fa mi mi re re do

What are the so fa syllables of the song London Bridge?

The syllables are: sol la sol fa mi fa sol re mi fa, mi fa sol sol la sol fa mi fa sol re sol mi do

Sofa syllable of twinkle twinkle little star?

do do so so la la so fa fa mi mi re re do so so fa fa mi mi re so so fa fa mi mi re do od so so la la so fa fa mi mi re re do

What song is this to mi mi mi mi mi mi mi so do re mi fa fa fa fa fa mi mi mi so so fa re do?

This is "Jingle Bells."