In volleyball, two teams are on opposing sides of the net. The object is to legally make the ball hit the ground on your opponent's side of the court. If you do so, you receive a point. Whichever side gets twenty-five points first wins.
be the first team to get to 25 or in a tie braker game to 15
You either want the ball to hit on your opponents' side of the court or you want them to hit the ball out of bounds.
if you are referring to vOlleyball, then the objective is to hit make the ball hit the other team's floor while making sure that you get it over the net and the same player does not touch it 2 consecutive times.
Have a basic idea of how to play volleyball. The objective is toServe the ballReturn the ballDon't let the ball hit the ground on your sideDon't hit a ball that is out of boundsAnd the like. Some simple rules will come naturally.source:
Within two years after the game was invented (volleyball was invented in 1895). Observers picked up on the rule that the ball could not touch the floor and began calling the game 'volley ball' which was eventually changed to 'volleyball'.
In volleyball, two teams are on opposing sides of the net. The object is to legally make the ball hit the ground on your opponent's side of the court. If you do so, you receive a point. Whichever side gets twenty-five points first wins.
Yes, there is volleyball at the Olympics but it is only beach volleyball.
Kneepads,shorts,volleyball,volleyball net
volleyball players and people who like volleyball
Yeah, they have regular volleyball and team volleyball.
Sand volleyball, or outdoor volleyball
VSA in volleyball is a team. Volleyball of South Africa,or Volleyball of South Australia.That's as far as I have known...