Pay attention to the game at all times! Know where your runners are, and if their covered.
No there is no framing rule.
Dot Richardon was number 1
The hardest to me is softball but they rank basketball number 4 and softball number 9 on how hard it is.
what is the number 1 rule for halloween safety
No, but there should be.
There are a number of associations in softball but I will presume you are asking about ASA (amateur softball association).
7 innings unless there is a mercy rule
There are many rules in softball but there are different leagues. Post a question more specific about what type of league and you may receive better answers.
A softball game is 7 innings and a forfeited game is scored at 1 run per inning. The score would be reflected as a 7-0 game.
I assume you are referring to the international tie breaking procedure. It can be used as a state adoption. Please check with your states high school athletic association to see if they have adopted the rule.
softball has 7 innings in less a tie then they play more innings if one team is winning by a lot they have the mercy rule and they call the game
Its a 5 point mercy rule