

Best Answer

Lokomotiv Moscow have several nicknames:

Krasno-zelyonyye (Red-Greens)

Zheleznodorozhniki (Railroaders)

Parovozy (Steam Locomotives)

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Q: What is the nickname of Locomotiv Moscow?
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There are a number of nicknames for Moscow. These include the Whitestone, the First Throne, as well as The Forty Fourties.

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At one time it may have been referred to as "The Kremlin: ... It was then a Citadel of Moscow, housing the offices of the Russian government and formerly those of the Soviet government.

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Actually, there's no nickname. 'Moscow' is pretty short, no need to create a separate word, like with St. Petersburg which we simply call "Peter"

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- Moscow, Canada - Moscow, Russia - Moscow, United Kingdom There are 18 cities known as Moscow in the United States: - Moscow, Idaho - Moscow, North Dakota - Moscow, Kansas - Moscow, Texas - Moscow, Arkansas - Moscow, Iowa - Moscow, Minnesota - Moscow, Wisconsin - Moscow, Michigan - Moscow, Indiana - Moscow, Ohio - Moscow, Kentucky - Moscow, Tennessee - Moscow, Mississippi - Moscow, Virginia - Moscow, Maryland - Moscow, Pennsylvania - Moscow, Maine

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In which state is moscow?

Moscow is in Russia. It is the capital of Russia.

Which country is moscow in?

Moscow is a capital, Russia is the Country.