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It is a song from o-zone

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Q: What is the name of the song Mia he Mia ha?
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What is the name of the introductory title song in Mamma Mia?

The song that both opens and closes the film version of Mamma Mia! is I Have a Dream.

Can you name this song Ha ha ha ha Ha you know this love is true?

it sounds like "i know this much is true" by spandau ballet

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The song is off mama mia it actually goes money, money,money must be funny in a rich mans world ha ha ha ! so theres your answer.

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Her name is Mia Pojanluoma.

When was Mamma Mia the song made?

"Mamma Mia" the song was made in 1975.

Where can you find the song from the Milli Mia commercial Or does anyone know who is the artist or the name of the song?

The composer of the Milli Mia commercial song is Faltay Csaba and the singer is Berger Dalma. However, it seems that the song has been created especially for this commercial, and doesn't have any name. But if somehow you can find it, please post it's name on wikiAnswers.

What is the name of the song from twilight that goes ha ah ha ha?

I /think/ it's Eyes on Fire by Blue Foundation. Sorry, your description of the tune is a bit vague!

Whats the name of the song that goes mila he mila ha mila ha ha?

Numa Numa is the name that most people think it is, but if you look it up on itunes type dragesta tin dei

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Her name is Kesha Sebert aka Ke$ha

When was Mia - Paulina Rubio song - created?

Mia - Paulina Rubio song - was created in 2004.

When was Mamma Mia - song - created?

Mamma Mia - song - was created on 1999-05-10.

When was Ha - song - created?

Ha - song - was created on 1998-02-17.