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Q: What is the name of the invader causing all sorts of trouble in new Orleans?
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Oh honey, Milosevic was busy stirring up trouble in Bosnia and Croatia in 1995. He sent his army and Serbian irregulars to wreak havoc on the Croats and Muslims in those regions, causing all sorts of chaos and heartache. It was a real mess, let me tell you.

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It wouldn't be particularly normal, but there are all sorts of things that could be causing a headache that have nothing to do with having had an EEG, and only a doctor can check that out.

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Only if they are infected. If they aren't the penicillin won't do you any good at all, and over use of penicillin has given us all sorts of trouble the last years.

Can a Christian be a commander?

There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.There are all sorts of commanders, but a Christian can be one.

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