Scottie Nic's birth name is Scottie Maurice Nicholson.
Scottie Knollin's birth name is Kendrick Scott Knollin.
Scottie Thompson's birth name is Susan Scott Thompson.
Scottie Graham's birth name is James Otis Graham.
Scottie MacGregor's birth name is Dorlee Deane McGregor.
There is no such name in Japanese.
The name of Kristin Lehman's haircut is Richmond.
His current haircut is called a FauxHawk.
Justin Bieber Haircut, its really popular.
The dog's name in Monopoly is "Scottie." It's not like he's winning any prizes for obedience or anything, but hey, at least he's got a spot on the game board. Just don't expect him to fetch your rent money anytime soon.
His fathers name was Preston Pippen.