"Vice" or "vice-skip" is the nickname for the player in the Third position on a curling team. This name comes from the fact that the Third usually takes the place of the Skip in the house while the Skip shoots his stones.
name one player not playing in the minors but still getting major league pay
The skip is essentially the captain of a curling team. I don't know where the name actually comes from, but it helps signify the different role that the skip has, spending his time at the opposite end of the ice and calling the shots.
A player
A curling tournament is typically called a "bonspiel", sometimes shortened to "spiel." An exception is that qualifying tournaments for national or world championships are typically called "playdowns," with the act of competing in such a tournament called "playing down."
milan baros
Kevin martin
Neil Fox who played for Wakefield Trinity.
The Detroit Tigers
Cricket, Curling...