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The real answer - it depends - are you a a power hitter or a contact (line-drive) hitter? Do you have slow bat speed or fast bat speed. In general, power hitters want end-loaded bats with little flex (e.g., one-piece bats) while contact hitters want balanced bats with more flex (e.g., two-piece bats).

And durability is important!!!

There is a great site - - that reviews the Best BBCOR Baseball Bats. It also provides reviews from Players, Coaches and Parents. Also provides Top Rankings of the Best BBCOR Baseball Bats in several categories - Overall, Power Hitters and Contact Hitters.

The website has been updated for 2013 - with 58 bats reviewed by Managers with 2,900+ reviews from Players, Parents and Coaches.

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11y ago
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16y ago

Fusion bats and a private company called Kanga'a in India sell Softball bats at $1568.99 max.

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10y ago

The Demarinis are very expensive up around $300 but they are amazing.

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14y ago

This question cannot totally be answered because everyone has their different opinion in bats but my favorite is my Demirini

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12y ago

some brands of softball bats are Demarini, Worth, Nike, Synergy, Miken, Rocketech, Halo, Bustos, Eastons

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16y ago

id have to say the easton stealth

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Louisville slugger

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the 07 liqiud metal gold

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Which type of baseball bat will make the ball go farther a wooden bat or metal bat?

metalMetal baseball bats will most likely go farther. A lot of people believe that wood bats hit farther than BBCOR though