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Q: What is the meaning of the football gesture of waving your hand in front of your face after a touchdown?
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What culture gives a negative meaning to the hand waving gesture?

if this is really about a relatoinship then lie to your girl if her IQ is below 50 make up a culture it's not too hard

What does waving your hand back and forth in front of your face mean in RAW wrestling?

it is john cena's gesture when he is going to do the five knuckle shuffle

How do you say goodbye in sign language?

In American Sign Language, you can say goodbye by waving your hand back and forth horizontally in front of your body.

In American Sign Language what is the meaning of waving your middle finger up and down?

Waving your middle finger up and down in American Sign Language is considered a vulgar and offensive gesture known as "the bird" or commonly known as flipping someone off. It is not used to communicate in a respectful or polite manner.

What does the waving arms with clenched fists gesture stands for?

Daniel Dorr portrayts the SS Lieutenant Schmidt in "Fury". At the sight of the crippled Sherman tank, he orders SS troops to investigate the tank and then clenches his fists and waves his arms up and down. What does that gesture stands for?

Why do bikers throw the duece when they pass each other?

Bikers throwing the deuce, or waving their hand in a low two-finger gesture, is a common way to salute other bikers on the road as a sign of unity and camaraderie among fellow riders. It is a gesture of acknowledgment and respect within the biking community.

How should a girl get a boy's attention without talking with each other?

To get his attention in general, just wave your arms around. He should notice you waving your arms around, and when he does, gesture to him to come over.

Is waving a noun?

No, waving is a verb.

How do you spell waving?

If you are waiving your rights, this is how it's spelled. If you are moving your hand, you are waving.

What is a antonym of waving?

An antonym of waving is to not move.

When was Waving At The Astronauts created?

Waving At The Astronauts was created in 2011.

When was Waving Not Drowning created?

Waving Not Drowning was created in 1982.