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Q: What is the mass of a regular-soccer ball?
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Where is the center of mass of a ball?

The center of mass of a soccer ball is its geometric center.

Does a bouncy ball have volume or mass?

Yes, a bouncy ball has both volume and mass. Volume refers to the amount of space the ball occupies, while mass refers to the amount of matter contained within the ball.

How much mass does a golf ball have?

The maximum mass for a golf ball is 45.93 grams.

Mass soccer ball?

The mass of a soccer ball is 0.43 kg or 1 pound.

How do you calculate mass of a ball?

To calculate the mass of a ball, you would typically use the density of the material the ball is made of and its volume. The formula to calculate mass is mass = density x volume. You would need to know the density of the material and measure the volume of the ball to determine its mass.

Does air inside the ball have mass?

Yes, air inside the ball has mass because air is made up of molecules which have mass. When air is trapped inside the ball, it contributes to the overall weight of the ball.

If a black ball is denser than a white ball of the same size the black ball has?

The black ball has greater mass. Mass is the product of volume and density.

Why ball in the pith ball electroscope has to have a small mass?

The ball in a pith ball electroscope needs to have a small mass to ensure that it is easily influenced by static charges. A small mass allows the ball to respond quickly to the presence of charged objects, making it more sensitive as an indicator of electric charge. If the ball had a larger mass, it would be less responsive to subtle changes in charge.

What is the mass of a bouncy ball?

The mass of a bouncy ball can vary depending on its size and material. Typically, a small bouncy ball might have a mass in the range of 20 to 50 grams.

How much mass is in a bouncy ball?

The mass of a bouncy ball can vary depending on its size and material. On average, a small rubber bouncy ball typically has a mass of around 5-10 grams.

How do you do you find the mass of the soccer ball?

To find the mass of a soccer ball, you would typically use a scale designed to measure the weight of objects in grams or kilograms. Simply place the soccer ball on the scale, and the displayed weight can be considered the mass of the ball.

What has smaller mass cricket ball or balloon?

cricket ball