Alaska Pacific University is located in the state of Alaska.
Alaska Pacific University is located in the state of Alaska.
Alaska Anchorage Seawolves.
Alaska Pacific University was created in 1957.
Spike, a humpback whale
University of Alaska, Anchorage. University of Alaska, Fairbanks. University of Alaska, Southeast. Alaska Pacific University.
blue and gold
The mascot for Pacific University is a boxer, a Chinese mythelogical creature made up of over 10 different animals (real and mythelogical) Including a Horse, Dragon, Dog, and Monkey. See Related Links for an image of Boxer and the story behind it.
The University of Alaska covers 4 time zones: Hawaii-Aleutian Time, Alaska Time, Pacific Time, and Eastern Time.
the mascot of the university of indiana is the greyhounds
Penguins do not live in Alaska. The mascot is the Moose, although this is not well know due to the fact that the university has no sports teams. The moose is affectionately known as Moosey.
The mascot of Biola University is the eagle.