Rounder's in Baseball means rounding or running the bases. Rounder's, however, is also the original name for baseball. The game of rounder's was created in England back in the 1500's. In 1744, the game was rechristened as baseball. The concept of rounder's and baseball is the same with slight variations on the measurements of the infield and outfield.
they are not the same because of the batting in baseball they ball in a different type of style and in rounders they ball in a different type of style and the bat u need to hold the bat with two hands when u are playing baseball and when your playing rounders u hold the bat with 1 hand
Rounders is a regional (western England) name for English base-ball. It first appears in documents from 1828, and is similar to what we call baseball today. There is a 5-man infield and a batter proceeds by hitting a pitched ball with a short one-handed bat, (but they run the bases clockwise).
During the 1850's rounders became a separate sport from English base-ball. (The adult version changed its name to "base ball" in 1892 to distinguish it from the schoolyard version, which uses a smaller field.) The original game is still played in Liverpool and in South Wales.
There are no records of the term "rounders" being used during the long era of baseball's advent and maturation. Keep in mind that the first references in America to baseball date from 1791. For this reason baseball experts say 'it is time to finally put to rest the tired old axiom that baseball descended from that 'ancient' English pastime.'"
-- Source: The Dickson Baseball Dictionary, Third Edition.
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