I don't know all of them, but here are a few... Hope they help!
-High sticking
Penalties in minutes
Yes certainly
Bob probert
"PK" in hockey means "penalty kill ." It means that due to penalties, the number of players have been increased .
Hockey? Tripping, slashing, holding, high sticking are four of many penalties in hockey.
If both teams have penalties, and they are allowed equal number of players on the ice, then neither of the penalties are terminated.
the penalties in hockey are: hooking, tripping, slashing, interfearance, delay of game, charging, roughing, and i think that's all of them. Hope it helped!!
The statistic used to track penalties was traditionally called Penalty Infraction Minutes (PIM), although the alternate term Penalties in Minutes has become common in recent years.
It is called a penalty go to google and search hockey rules and it will tell you like tripping and all of the other penalties
The OFAC Civil Penalties List, officially Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) List, lists individuals and organizations with whomUnited States Citizens and permanent citizens are prohibited from doing business.
Shawn Avery of the Stars
FinesImprisonmentLoss of driving privileges