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Q: What is the line called that is under the net?
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Net income is often called the first line?

False. Net Income is often called "the bottom line".

What is the volleyball endline?

The endline is the out of bounds line that can also be called the serving line. It is parallel with the net where as the side lines run perpendicular to the net.

What is the white line located ten feet from the net called volleyball?

the ten foot line

What is the area under the net bordered by the service line called in pickle ball?

i dont know i need to check my gym teachers page but it doesnt say...... hmm

How long is the spike line for volleyball?

Usually the line is 10 feet from the net, often called the "ten foot line".

What is the boundary line under the basket called?

The boundary line under the basket is known as the baseline.

What is the line called that does not let the back players come to the front net area and spike the ball?

3 Meter line.

What is a foot vault?

A foot fault is when in volleyball you serve and you pass the line or put your foot under the net.

What is a line three meters from the net which marks the limit for where a back row player must advanced in volleyball called?

This line is called the ten foot line.

What is it called when you shoot a basketball under the net?

I believe the term you are looking for is "layup"

When was Under the Net created?

Under the Net was created in 1954.

What are 4 officials in the game of volleyball and their respective functions?

1, Up-Referee: Calls top net violations and signals when a play is over and when it starts. 2, Down-Referee: Calls bottom net violations, foot faults under the net, and rotation violations. 3, Two Line Judges: Calls where the ball hits in or out of the court on a side and respective end line. Also called foot faults when serving and touches on blocking.