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Each football ground has to be 100 - 130 yards in length, it varys for each stadium.

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Q: What is the length of a soccer field over all?
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What are sports in Guatemala?

Mostly soccer over all but some baseball, track & field, and football.

On miss popularity how do you get into the soccer field the second time?

On the computer game Miss Popularity to get on to the soccer field for the second time first go to the mall and purchase all the gear needed to play soccer. Then go back to the soccer field and fill in for Sunnyboy.

Length of a soccer field?

Soccer is played on a rectangular field, traditionally called a pitch, which must be between 100 and 130 yards long and 50 to 100 yards wide. The length is about 50-100 yards. The field of play must be rectangular, the width will NOT exceed the length.The width must not be more than 80 yards (73.15M) nor less than 65 yards (59.44m) and the length shall not be more than 120 yards (109.72m) nor less than 110 yards (100.58m). However, fields of less than minimal dimensions may be used by prior written mutual consent of the competing teamsAs a clear guide size is 75 yards (68.58m) by 120 yards (109.73m).

What does the midfield person in soccer have to do?

You have to help the forwards and defense, therefore your running all over the field. It's typically forward and defense mixed.

Where is soccer play?

on the cricket pitch, der!

Where can you find a diagram with dimensions for an indoor soccer field?

Click on the 'Indoor Soccer Field Diagram' link on this page to see a diagram of an indoor soccer field. The diagram is all the way at the end of the document. You will need Adobe reader to view the document.

What is the length of a professional soccer field?

According to FIFA - the international body that governs world soccer - the official length of a soccer field is a minimum of 90 meters (100 yards) and a maximum of 120 meters (130 yards).For International MatchesThe length is a minimum of 100 meters (110 yards) and a maximum of 110 meters (120 yards).(See the Related link to the aforementioned FIFA laws.)Either yards, or meters.

Where and when was soccer played at?

all over the world

Are the lines on a soccer field in yards or feet?

yards all da way

Is soccer the popular sport?

Soccer is popular all over the world including here in America. Not really, Soccer is popular over the world except America. Soccer in America but it is call football.

Where do you go to play football and soccer on action all-stars?

you go to the football field. but unfortualy you cant play soccer so sorry enjoy action all stars your buddy mikeyboy13579 (Allstar level). i wish they did have soccer though

How did soccer spread All over the World?

The English and Spanish took it to their colonies and it spread.