About 5.5 football field lengths. (Football field length= 160 ft, Titanic length= 882.75 feet [882' 9"])
340 feet
The length of a American football field is 120 yards or 360 feet (including the end zones).
The official size of an NFL football field is 360 feet or 120 yards in length endzone to endzone and 160 feet or 53 1/3 yards in width.
To walk the length of a football field, which is typically 100 yards or 300 feet, the number of steps will vary based on an individual's stride length. On average, a person's stride length is about 2.5 feet. Therefore, it would take approximately 120 steps (300 feet divided by 2.5 feet per step) to walk the length of a football field.
0.0000448056km2The length of a football field is 100 yards(300 feet) which is equal to 0.09144The width of a football field is 53.33 yards(160 feet) which is equal to 0.000490.09144 X 0.00049 = 0.0000448056
Almost the length of an American football field - 295.3 feet.
120 yards3650 feet
The depth of the NFL end zone is 10 yards. The overall length is 120 yards, and the width is 53.5 yards.?æ
Length: 360 feet or 120 yards Width: 53 1/2 yards or 160 feet including endzones :)
The length of a football field is less than 1/8 of a mile.An American football field is 300 feet long.5280 feet equal one mile. It is about one seventeenth of a mile