Well, isn't that a fun question! A football field is a rectangular shape, so it doesn't have a square root like a square would. But if we imagine the area of a football field as a square, we could find the square root by taking the square root of the area in square units. Just remember, math can be as creative and imaginative as painting a happy little tree!
ask a science teacher
100 yards like a football field
2000067 mm
About 5.5 football field lengths. (Football field length= 160 ft, Titanic length= 882.75 feet [882' 9"])
120 yds
an Obisometer
A football field is 120 yards in length. An Olympic size pool is about 55 yards in length. A little more than 2 Olympic sized pools will fit on a football field.
340 feet
Lenght of osu football field is generally measured in square meters.