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5 games first to 25 first to win 3 wins the match. although some highschools play 3 games best to 30

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Q: What is the length for a high school volleyball game?
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He probably did. His younger sister goes to Bama now and played volleyball in high school.

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The net height in girls' high school volleyball is 7' 4-1/8"

How come guys cant play volleyball in high school?

Guys are allowed to play Vlleyball in high-school, It depends on your education institution if they do Extra Curricular sport such as Volleyball. Volleyball may not be available to you to participate in school.

Is there beach volleyball in high school?

Depends which High School you're in, ask your Principal

What education is required to be a high school volleyball coach?

You must know a LOT. Many high schools are very serious about volleyball, and many of then played through high-school.

How caan you get on the us olympic volleyball team in high school?

It's very hard, I expect, but the best chances I would say are 1. being an extremely good volleyball player (in general, not just specializing in one aspect of the game), and 2. Being on a great high school team that attracts volleyball scouters to watch your games.

What is the roster size for high school volleyball?


How many games make up a high school volleyball match?

In high school varsity volleyball games are played best 3 out of 5

How long does an average girls high school volleyball game last?

if there are 5 games about 3 hrs. if there are 3 games about 2 hrs.

How old do you have to be to coach high school volleyball?

I am about to be 19 and I just got hired on to coach freshman volleyball.