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Indianapolis -5 over New Orleans / Total Points 57

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Q: What is the latest line on Super Bowl 2010?
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How many times did the colts get sacked in 2010 Super Bowl?

A whole team cannot get sacked, but a quarterback behind the line of scrimmage can. The Colts quarterback, Peyton Manning, was sacked a total of zero times in the 2010 super Bowl.

What will it take for the eagles to win a Super Bowl in 2010?

It will take a good O - line wich they now have thanks to the 09 free agency and draft

What was the betting line for Super Bowl XLV?

1.5 to 1

How many points were put on the New England Patriots in Super Bowl XLVI?

New England's line was -2.5 for Super Bowl XLVI.

What is the average betting line for the Super Bowl?

Over 10 billion dollars is predicted to be risked on Super Bowl XLII by more than 200 million people around the world. The Super Bowl is the biggest one-day sports betting event of every year.

Do Andy reed have a super bowl ring?

Yes, as offensive line coach for the Green Bay Packers that won Super Bowl XXXI over the New England Patriots.

Is there any way to watch the Super Bowl on line at the same time it is played?


How many Super Bowl rings does Rob Ryan have?

One ... as defensive line coach for the Baltimore Ravens that won Super Bowl XXXV.

How many super bowl has the vikings won?

Unfortunately the Vikings have never won a Super Bowl. However....the 2009 season is looking very promising. We have an incredible line up this season!

Are romeo crennels Super Bowl rings from being a player or a coach?

All as coach. He was the New York Giants special teams coach in Super Bowl XXI and defensive line coach in Super Bowl XXV. He was the New England Patriots defensive coordinator in Super Bowls XXXVI, XXXVIII, and XXXIX.

Who intercepted Tom Brady in the super bowl?

Reggie Howard intercepted him in Super Bowl 38 agianst the Panthers and Chase Blackburn intercepted Brady in a Super Bowl 46 loss against the Giants

Who had the longest rush from scrimmage in super bowl 45?

As of the 2007 season, the longest run from the line of scrimmage in a Super Bowl is 75 yards by Willie Parker of the Pittsburgh Steelers in Super Bowl XL.