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There is no significant job of the team captain other than to lead the team, especially in tense situations. Take LeBron James. When his team is down by a few points in the fourth quarter, he doesn't stress out or yell. He encourages his teammates and does not be rude. The team captain is the guy that sets the tone for everyone else. For instance, if the team has been on a losing streak, the team captain will stand up and support the team saying all will get better. The team captain may also lay down the law by giving rules for what the team can and cannot do.

The team captain should encourage the team, be a leader in practices, and set an example.

in my experience, the job of the team captain is to lead in general. wether it is by example during a game by making a big play, or doing something bad and shaking it off, or leading stretches. also if players have a problem on the team, the captain should take an interest to make sure it doesnt affect everyone on the team.

there isn't a certain thing that a team captin has to do but I play softball and here are my tip on being a good captin:

  • Always have a positive, up-beat attitude
  • always show your teammates that you believe in them and the whole team
  • help your teammates improve. (if you help them improve they will respect you)
  • respect your teamates
  • never get down on someone who makes a mistake, show them what they did wrong and show them the right way of doing it and tell them "its ok you'll get them next time"
  • cheer! that's my favorite part of softball bc you can be loud and abnoxious and cheer for your teammates, but down cheer down the other team
  • lets say ur playing 1st base if a girl on the other team hits and amazing line drive, when they r on 1st tell them "hey nice rip"( there is nothing wrong with complementing someone, either on your team or the opposing team, for something they did)
  • some of the best captins i have had in all my years of sports are not the ones who are the best players or the all-star but the ones who never give up, who help their teammates improve, who are the first to get a cheer going, the first to be out on the feild and stretching, the first to help coaches, teammates and opponents.

Remember sometimes being a leader isn't about how good you are but how you carry yourself and have you treat everyone with the respect they deserve bc a good captin is not only respected by the team but the captin respects everyone on the field as well!


I'm going to add to the above. He seems to be basing his views on captaincy from Basketball. In other sports, such as Ice Hockey, captains and assistant captains are supposed to be the only ones allowed to speak to the referees. It's not really enforced but it is a rule.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 16y ago

The team captain of a football team, sometimes known as the skipper, is a team member chosen to be the on-pitch leader of the team: it is often one of the older or more experienced members of the squad, or a player that can heavily influence a game. The team captain is usually identified by the wearing of an armband.

The official functions of the captain under the Laws of the Game are to participate in the coin toss prior to kick-off (for choice of ends and to determine who kicks off first) and prior to a penalty shootout. Captains have no special authority under the Laws to challenge a decision by the referee, however referees will sometimes talk to the captain of a side about the side's general behaviour. In youth or recreational football, the captain often takes on duties that would at a higher level be delegated to the manager. The captain generally provides a rallying point for the team: if morale is low, it is the captain who will be looked at to boost his team's spirits. Also, captains may join the manager in deciding the first team for a certain game. For more information follow the related link below.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Any NFL player can captain his team, and each team has its own method for choosing its captains. All of the duties are notin the official NFL Rules Book, and the range of responsibility varies across teams. However, NFL fans, players, and coaches alike hold particular expectations for a team captain. The public usually observes only two duties performed by NFL captains:
1) calling the coin toss (at the start of regular or over-time play), AND
2) communicating with officials during play (such as calling time-outs, and accepting or declining penalties). Dolphins coach Tony Sparano adds that "a captain is a guy elected by his teammates to be their spokesman" on and off the field. In other words, a captain is a communication conduit between players and staff for various matters. Sparano states, "I think [NFL captains] are the voice of the team." Team captains are also expected to lead as players and individuals. Since any player could be elected by his teammates, the role of captain is invariably viewed as a position of honor. Most teams choose permanent captains for the entire season. Some teams, like the Atlanta Falcons, select new captains each week as a way of rewarding excellent play. Regardless of how or when they're chosen, all NFL captains are expected to act professionally and to respect, at all times, other players, staff, and the public. For the NFL captain, fulfilling his game-time duties is vital to his team's success. The role of spokesperson off the field is important for maintaining communication between players and staff. Displaying leadership and professionalism is equally crucial in the eyes of teammates and fans. Even though the specific duties and expectations may vary, the ROLE of "NFL Captain" is the most honored position any NFL player may hold. ( source: )
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βˆ™ 15y ago

Each game, the volleyball captain(s) are called to the ref, where the ref flips a coin to determine which team gets to serve first. The captain is responsible to report back to their coach this outcome. The captain is then needed to sign the game sheet. Throughout the game, the captain is a sort of "messenger" between the ref and their coach. If the coach has a question for the ref, he will tell the captain to ask it and then the captain will report the answer back to the coach. Vise versa is also true, where if the ref has something to tell the coach, he will often get the captain to tell the coach for him. At the end of the game, the captain is needed to sign the game sheet again to confirm the accuracy of the scores. Another responsibility of the captain is to be a leader that team members can look to for help, advice, or even just spirit. The captain needs to remain positive all of the time so that the rest of the team's attitudes will reflect that, and be a role model for his or her teammates in accordance with what the coach expects from them.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

a. A team may have a captain and a co-captain numbering a maximum of two. The designated captain may be anyone on the squad who is in uniform, except a player-coach.

b. The designated captain is the only player who may talk to an official during a regular or 20-second timeout charged to his team. He may discuss a rule interpretation, but not a judgment decision.

c. If the designated captain continues to sit on the bench, he remains the captain for the entire game.

d.In the event that the captain is absent from the court or bench, his coach shall immediately designate a new captain.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

repect and take charge of the other members of the team. Organize the team!

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