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The "invisible" line in football is the Line of Scrimmage.

The Line of Scrimmage is the line that divided the offense from the defense, which is located at the tip of the football after it has been placed on the ground, also known as spotting the ball, by the referee. The line extends from sideline to sideline. Players cannot cross the line of scrimmage until the next play begins, and if they do a penalty can be called.

If the offense crosses the line of Scrimmage before the ball is snapped, the following penalties can be called:

  • Offsides: 5 yard penalty - This penalty is almost exclusively called on the defense because if an offensive player moves across the line of scrimmage, that player is typically charged with a False Start penalty.

If the Defense crosses the line of Scrimmage before the ball is snapped, the following penalties can be called:

  • Neutral Zone Infraction: 5 Yard penalty
  • Encroachment: 5 yard penalty
  • Offsides: 5 yard penalty
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