no such answer
First you have to bump. Then set. Then spike.
William Morgan invented volleyball.
Valleyball can be one of two things (in my experience). #1) Valleyball - the way someone who does not speak English types Volleyball. #2) A strip club in California
One must cite the sources in order to indicate where a fact or idea came from.
Sorry but i have no idea
no idea :P
I have no idea what u mean
I Have Know Idea
Five per team, for a total of 10 players on the court.10, 5 for each team.
"Pitching an idea" for anything means "throwing it out to see who hits it." In plain English, you state the idea to the people in charge and see if they like it. You will be telling them why your idea or book is good while you state it!
max all the way, they are forgiving and definitely give you long hits