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Russel shows some muscle!

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Q: What is the home run call for Russell martin?
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Who was the last player to hit a walk-off home run for the New York Yankees?

Russell Martin was the last Yankees player to hit a walk-off home run. He did it on June 10, 2012 against the New York Mets.

What do you call a house with legs?

A home run!

What do you call the people who run the foster home?

If you are a foster child in a foster home it would be up to your foster parents what you call them. They may want you to call them Mr. & Mrs. ___ or maybe by their first names. The people who run the foster home are viewed as the foster parents!

Did Babe Ruth call his home run?

yes i think so i have read a story about him and that home run he hit was a called home run

What do you call the person hired to run someone's home?

house keeper

What has the author Russell Martin written?

Russell Martin has written: 'The sorrow of archaeology' -- subject(s): Multiple sclerosis, Antiquities, Fiction, Women physicians, Patients, Archaeologists' spouses, Archaeologists, Excavations (Archaeology), Pueblo Indians

Are Parson Jack Russell's faster than Jack Russell's?

Parson Jack Russell's have longer legs and therefore can run faster

What will happen if you runaway from a group home?

they wil call the cops and send you back to the home if you run away to many times though they will call the cops and you will go to juvenile detention

Is rev run Russell simmons brother?


What band was Russell Simmons from?

he wasn't in a band. he's the brother of run from run dmc

What to do when the repo man is here to pick up vehicle?

call them a prick and run home fast !!!!!!!

Who do you call to receive your home run jackpot winnings from the Phillies and Mcdonalds?

You don't have to call anyone, they send you a check on the mail!