As a rookie, Mays' yearly salary was $7500. When he retired, he was earning $165,000 (that's per year, not per at-bat).
When salaries are determined by free enterprise, and not by people with a vested interested in low salaries, they tend to be higher.
At the height of his career, Payton was reported to be making $475,000 per season, the highest salary in the NFL at the time.
he is getting 25,000.00
He made $555,000 in his 2009 career. That made him have the third highest salary in the MLB
The average salary of an MLB player in 1964 was 14,863 US dollars. 1964 was the first year salary statistics for MLB were recorded. The highest paid MLB player that year was Willie Mays who earned $105,000.
what is the average mid career salary for a doctor?
Peyton Manning has the highest salary on the Indianapolis Colts
The average annual salary for a primary care physician is $200,000.00 a year. Assuming the average career is 35 years the average career salary is approximately $7,000,000.00.
find third highest salary in a table
what is highest salary for anesthesiology?
Of all sports the New York Yankees have the highest cap salary