10 feet tall.
5th graders, 4th graders, even 3rd graders
Is this the correct way to use this sentence?? Administer test to 3rd and 4th graders.
try Cola8
yes it is for 3rd graders...
teddy wanted to be a teacher for 3rd graders.
well some people do date at the age of 11 or 12 not 3rd or 4th graders. Ive only seen fifth graders! You couldn't be more wrong! I'm elven and have been dating people since i was in third grade.
September 3rd. Just like everybody else.
No. 5th graders are dumber than third graders because 5th graders could kill everybody riding the bus. Because they sing annoying songs all the time ( which could Descartes the bus driver.)
yes the 3rd graders did and it reminded them about the movie house of wax i was freaked out
He was a stocky person. (this sentence is for 1st-3rd graders only) sorry!!