Samson, who was also the worlds tallest horse at 21.2 1/2 hh> but he weighed 3360 pounds. (1524 kg)
no one
Firstly, i think you mean the SuperBowl, not Superball, but however, sadly i don't know :(!!
Elvis' first No.1 on the Country Charts was "I Forgot To Remember To Forget" in September 1955. Cheers.........Mel
Engish: Horse - Horse Spanish: Horse - Caballo French: Horse - Cheval German: Horse - Pferd Italian: Horse - Cavallo Dutch: Horse - Paard Danish: Horse - Hest Finnish: Horse - Hevonen Romanian: Horse - Calul Serbian: Horse - Kultura
in shakespeare's play, he wrote "a horse! a horse! my kingdom for a horse!"
I lost my horse. I miss my horse. Where is my horse?
Its called a seahorse or the river horse. Another popular name for the camargue horse is the horse of the sea
cart horse, change course, coach horse, dark horse, dawn horse, divorce, draft horse, draught horse, dray horse, endorse, enforce, ensource, farm horse, gift horse, gift-horse, golf course, in force, laforce, light source, long horse, main course, male horse, midcourse, of course, old norse, outsource, perforce, plow horse, point source, pole horse, post horse, race horse, remorse, sales force, shire horse, side horse, stick horse, strong force, task force, weak force, wheel horse, white horse, wild horse, work force
Richard III himself actually said "A Horse! A Horse! MY Kingdom for a horse!"
a person who rides a horse carriage is a horse carriager,horse groom,horser,horse carriage man,horse guard,horse carry,
a small horse + a big horse or two small horses!
A horse is just the name of the animal and Quarter Horse is a name of a breed of horse.