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Comerica Park, home of the Detroit Tigers.

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Q: What is the hardest baseball field on which to hit a home run?
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Which baseball bat could hit the hardest?

Composite bats hit the hardest i recommend combat

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Is plate a common noun?

Yes, the compound noun 'home plate' is a common noun, a general word for a position on a Baseball field where the player stands to hit a ball and a player tries to reach to score; a general word for any home plate on any baseball field.

Is a home plate a common?

Yes, the compound noun 'home plate' is a common noun, a general word for a position on a Baseball field where the player stands to hit a ball and a player tries to reach to score; a general word for any home plate on any baseball field.

How do you score in baseball pass?

If the ball gets passed the fielder then its scored as a hit . If the fielder gets hit or hits the ball the scoring tends to be a hit but it can be called an error ... The scoring in a Baseball game is up to the home Field score keeper ...

Who hit the longest home run at chase field?

Richie Sexson hit a 503 foot home run to center field in 2004

What is the hardest hit to get in baseball?

The hardest hit to get in baseball is typically considered to be a triple, where the batter reaches third base safely before the defense can retrieve the ball. Triples are rare due to the combination of speed, hitting ability, and fielding challenges required to achieve one.

Where is a baseball least likely to land on a baseball field?

I'm taking a stab, but I'll have to say if the ball is hit into the air, it's least likely to land on home plate.

What baseball stadium was the home run by Bobby Thomson that won the National League pennant for the New York baseball Giants?

Bobby Thomson of the New York baseball Giants hit his famous game winning home run in the home field of the Giants. It was the Polo Grounds.

How do you use a baseball?

You throw it, hit it, catch it, and field it

What Part of Canada was hardest hit by depression?

The prairie provinces were hardest hit by depression.

What does h mean in baseball?

a "Hit" which is when the batter reaches base without the defence making an error, and a hit could be any of the following: a single (the first base) a double (the second base) a triple (the third base) or a home run (reaching home plate, back where you started by either hitting the ball out of the parks dimensions or getting an inside the park home run, the hardest thing to do in Baseball)