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after every 4 years

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Related questions

Why does the World Cup take place?

it takes place to find a team that can win the world cup

How oftern does the World Cup take place?

The World Cup takes place once every four years.

When does the would cup take place?

The world cup takes place every 4 years.

When the the world cup take place?

The world cup takes place once every four years, so the next world cup will be in 2014 in Brazil.

Who is champion of FIFA World Cup 2007?

There was no World Cup in 2007. The world cup takes place every four years, the last one taking place in Germany in 2006. The champion of the 2006 World cup is Italy.

How often does the World Cup take place?

it takes place every 4 years

Where does the 2010 FIFA world cup takes place?

South Africa.

Which soccer world championship takes place in 2010?

2010 World Cup is in the Republic of South Africa. ;)

What is the World Cup?

The World Cup can refer to either the FIFA World Cup for football or the Rugby World Cup. Each are held every four years. The FIFA World Cup is currently, June 2010, taking place in in South Africa. The next Rugby World Cup takes place in 2011 in New Zealand.if u dont no what the world cup is u a complete gay boy

What is world cup?

The World Cup can refer to either the FIFA World Cup for football or the Rugby World Cup. Each are held every four years. The FIFA World Cup is currently, June 2010, taking place in in South Africa. The next Rugby World Cup takes place in 2011 in New Zealand.if u dont no what the world cup is u a complete gay boy

Who is soccers world champian?

The current world cup champions are Spain, this will be challenged next year when the next world cup takes place. In terms of clubs, there is a club world cup that takes place which is very week compared to other club tournaments but it is the only legitimate way to decide what club is the best around the world. The current champions are Corinthians of Brazil.

Who won the World Cup for soccer in 1996?

There was no World cup in 1996 the world cup takes place every 4 years, Brazil won 1994 World cup in a final against Italy, and France won the 1998 world cup in a final against Brazil